I’m writing to share an update to the guidance, which we have previously provided, on care home visiting.
As anticipated in our previous communications, we’re pleased to say that the Government has now decided that it is now safe for up to two named people to attend indoor visits with their family member from 12th April. As before, various precautions will remain in place to protect the health of all our residents, our visitors and our staff, including:
- Visits must still be pre-booked, to enable us to safely manage testing, contacts and capacity within the home. Please do not attend without an appointment (unfortunately, we will also still be required to ‘supervise’ visits).
- Only two agreed named individuals may visit for the time being (although now, children under two years of age may additionally be admitted).
- All visitors will be required to take a Lateral Flow test, at the home, and test negative, before they can be admitted (in some cases, this might require waiting outside the home, perhaps in a car, for around 30 minutes).
- All visitors will be required to wear PPE at all times during their visit, with exceptions for children under two years old.
- As long as hands are washed properly, adult visitors will be able to hold hands with their loved one. However, no physical contact whatsoever will be permitted between residents and children under two.
- Please follow all instructions given by our team during your visit, to protect everyone.
We now urgently need you to provide information on any second named individual, to allow us to manage this further expansion of indoor visits safely. Can you therefore please provide the following information, either by return letter, or for speed, via email to: visiting@boroughcare.org.uk:
- The name and contact telephone number for the original named visitor, as well as the name and contact telephone number for the second named visitor.
- The name of the resident you both wish to visit.
- The home in which that resident lives.
There will still be limited visiting slots possible each day, due to the requirements for testing and contact limiting. However, we will try to be as flexible as we can to allow for the maximum number of visits.