Borough Care, has launched new menus at all of its homes in conjunction with its catering partner apetito.
The new menus have been created with the help of residents, their families and staff. Regular tasting sessions have been held and the preferred dishes chosen. Overwhelmingly, at each home, residents preferred softer food options and favoured a wider choice of vegetarian and fish dishes. Taking the views of residents into consideration, the new menus have the option of a meat, fish or vegetarian dish available every day.
Borough Care has also introduced regular food related theme nights, as residents are really adventurous and love to try new dishes. The curry night is proving particularly popular.
Mark Dale, Catering & Hospitality Manager at Borough Care, says: “The new menus we have recently rolled out across our homes are being very well received by residents. Our catering team has worked hard to create delicious, nutritious choices based on feedback from both residents and staff. At Borough Care, we know how important a well-balanced, nutritious diet is to the health and wellbeing of our residents. It’s important we serve dishes that both look appetising and taste great so residents enjoy eating them and get the essential nutrients they need.”