The Covid 19 pandemic has been challenging on the mental health and wellbeing of everyone across the country. It has been especially difficult for our vulnerable residents; our hardworking staff; and for you, as family members, who have been unable to visit your loved ones.
So, we are lending our support to the Mental Health Foundation’s, Mental Health Awareness Week, which takes place between 18-24 May 2020. This year it focuses on the power and potential of ‘kindness’. Kindness is vital to our individual and collective mental health and is key to us getting through, and coming out the other side of Covid-19.
Over the past few months, we’ve been highlighting the different ways we have been prioritising the mental health of your loved ones, just as much as their physical health during lock-down. We are constantly talking with our residents and keeping them informed of what is happening; we are doing our best to create a sense of routine in our homes; and, most importantly, keeping busy and having fun!
Our carers have been inspiring us all with their extraordinary acts of kindness. We have seen staff doing everything within their power to keep families connected through Whats App, Skype and Face-time, as well as organising visits through windows and sending pictures to loved ones. We’ve seen individual acts of thoughtfulness that have moved us; such as Lauren from Reinbek who designed, printed and sent cards to families from their relatives. Joanne from Bryn Haven also sent families cards and a tea bag, so they could have a cup of tea and think of their loved one during lock-down.
Equally, we have been overwhelmed by the kindness that has been shown to our team during this worrying time. The heart-felt words, support and gratitude we have been receiving from families has been wonderful. As has the UK clapping for our carers every Thursday! We’ve had donations from individuals and businesses, and we’ve even had people fundraising to buy us vital PPE. This generosity has been invaluable to the mental health of our staff, helping them to stay strong so we can provide the very best care for your loved ones.
In the face of this terrible pandemic, it’s these acts of kindness, however small, that have helped to strengthen relationships and develop the community bonds that will outlast the physical symptoms of the virus.
If you’d like to know more about what’s happening in our homes, then you can read more on our website, or on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. If you have any concerns about your loved one’s mental health, or have been inspired by an act of kindness and would like to help, please contact our homes.