Meet Rummy. He’s the friendliest, sweetest Shetland Pony, who recently came to visit residents at Meadway Court.
At Borough Care, we have long been advocates of human and animal interaction. Commonly known as pet therapy, the benefits of spending time with animals are both physical and emotional.
Emotional benefits include increased self-esteem and confidence, improved social skills, reduced risk of depression, lessened levels of anxiety, reduced feelings of loneliness and an increased ability to show gentleness and caring.
While the physical benefits can mean increased levels of mobility and exercise interacting with the animal, which, when combined with the emotional benefits, can lead to reduced blood pressure.
Activities and Lifestyle Facilitator, Amanda Millett, decided that January was the perfect time to indulge the residents of Meadway Court in a little pet therapy. She invited a very special guest, Rummy, from R&R Pony Parties, the therapy Shetland Pony, and his carer Anna, to come and visit.
Rummy is a sweet and gentle pony, who loves nothing more than to be stroked or fed. He thrives off attention and was thrilled to come along to Meadway Court. The feeling was mutual as a crowd gathered in the communal areas, with residents petting Rummy and treating him to apples and carrots. Rummy also made the journey around the home and visited our residents who were unable to leave their rooms due to illness or mobility issues.
ALF, Amanda said: “This January I wanted to do something special for the residents of Meadway Court that would bring some cheer and joy. And Rummy was perfect! I was thrilled when I found out how many residents decided to come and visit him, and I was told that the smiles on their faces as they were interacting with him was so lovely to see. Reports were that he was such a well-behaved little horse, and truly brightened the day of our residents who were unable to leave their rooms by going to visit them. I’ve already booked Rummy to return in March.”
Each of our homes host regular, interactive sessions with animals for the benefit of our residents, to find out when the next one is in your home, please check our noticeboards.