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Shepley House Footwear Trial

By 28 September 2018Borough Care News

Shepley House are piloting a new scheme to help prevent resident falls.

Anyone can have a fall, but older people are more vulnerable and likely to fall, especially if they have a long-term health condition. Most falls do not result in serious injury. But there’s always a risk, and it can cause the person to lose confidence, become withdrawn, and feel as if they have lost their independence.

This issue was brought to the attention of residents, their families and staff at a family meeting in April 2018 to discuss how we could tackle it.

It soon became clear that many residents were wearing slippers during the day as they are more comfortable. However, slippers are not as sturdy as shoes and can often result in slips or falls. The group agreed to begin a trial period where staff would encourage residents to wear shoes during the day instead.

They also decided to install hydration stations in all the communal areas of the home to encourage fluid intake and prevent de-hydration.

The trial started on the 1st May this year and has been an instant success. In the first month alone, falls decreased by 20% and have continued to decrease.

Shepley House Home Manager, Nerys Carpenter said: “Our next plan is to look at the slippers residents wear. We want to ensure slippers are safe and fit for purpose and to help with this we are going to encourage staff to try on residents’ slippers and walk in them for at least an hour. This way, our residents who wish to continue wearing slippers during the day, will be as safe and secure as possible.”