There were many tears shed today as Cawood House and Borough Care said goodbye to our longest serving member of the team, Pat Roche.
Pat, 76, worked full time at Cawood House for an incredible 50 years! The Cawood family threw a big party to mark the occasion, with Pat receiving lots of gifts from colleagues and residents. Our catering team, Tony, Helen and Steven, created a beautiful buffet and while Eddy Bears delivered a very special cake.
Staff and residents toasted Pat’s incredible five decades at the home. Pat said, “It’s been a long time – half a century! I’ll miss everything about Cawood. It’s been my life and my second home. A big thank you to Lisa, Team Cawood and Borough Care.”
Borough Care’s central support team said their goodbyes, delivering a bouquet of flowers and Thank You card. Borough Care’s CEO Dr Mark Ward said,“We would like to say a huge thank you to Pat for her hard work, dedication, and support over the last fifty years at Cawood House. We know the team and residents there will miss her very much. From everyone at Borough Care, we wish Pat the very best of luck in her next chapter.”
It was an emotional day as colleagues and residents gathered together, with many in tears shed as Pat said her final goodbyes. The home’s manager Lisa said, “We are really going to miss Pat here at Cawood House. There were lots of tears shed at her leaving party today! Pat has been a very important part of the Cawood story, from day one, and we will all miss her very much.”
The home’s Activity and Lifestyle Facilitator at Cawood House, Leigh Cherie, arranged the big party. Leigh booked an incredible Elvis personator who serenaded Pat and residents in the home’s lounge. Leigh said, ‘“Pat is a true inspiration, and a massive part of Cawood. I know staff and residents are truly going to miss her fabulous cups of tea!”
Carer Jayne said “Pat, it has been my pleasure to work alongside you as my colleague and as my friend. Enjoy your retirement as you have earned it and you deserve it!”. Colleague Evette added “I will miss Pat and her sayings! It has been a pleasure working alongside her.”
From everyone at Borough Care, thank you Pat!