We marked the International Day of Older Persons by celebrating the rich and interesting lives of residents at all our homes across the borough. Observed on October 1st each year, the International Day of Older Persons aims to raise awareness of the issues affecting the elderly. It also marks the contributions that older people make to society and the impact they have had.
At Borough Care’s Bryn Haven home in Brinnington, residents marked the International Day of Older Persons by spending the afternoon chatting to staff, and each other, about the interesting things they have done throughout their lives. Elsie Williamson went to work in a cotton mill straight from school. Lila Wood’s parents were performers and she used to go and watch them on stage. Tony Johnson worked at a builder’s merchants after leaving school, before going into the Royal Infantry. Everyone enjoyed reminiscing over a coffee and hearing the stories about the different paths people’s lives have taken.
Dr Mark Ward, CEO at Borough Care, says: “During their full lives, many of our residents have made a huge impact on their local community or wider society. They have made valuable contributions during their careers, by volunteering to help others or through their interests. At Borough Care, we firmly believe that people continue to have a valuable contribution to make as they age. When the time comes for an older person to need a little extra care and support, it doesn’t mean their interesting life has to come to a standstill when they move to a care home. We encourage all our residents to live life in colour and continue to lead an active social life, if they wish, by organising a regular programme of different activities to suit all tastes. Our residents are also encouraged to share their life experiences and invaluable advice, as we can all benefit from the wisdom of the older generation.”